Dr. Marlene Moretti Named Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) 1.

In February 2016, Simon Fraser University named seven new Canada Research Chairs as part of the $260-million in support for Canada’s post-secondary institutions.

“Since its establishment in 2000, the Canada Research Chairs program has helped SFU boost its research and innovation capacity,” says SFU’s research vice-president Joy Johnson. “Today’s investment supports senior and emerging scholars who are working to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the environment. We now have a total of 35 current CRC chair holders who are leading knowledge discovery and collective action, and raising the bar for Canada’s research excellence.”

Canada Research Chairs are awarded at two levels: Tier 1 chairs at $200,000 annually for seven years and Tier 2 chairs at $100,000 for five years. SFU’s seven new chairs represent a total investment of $6.2 million.

Among those Tier 1 chairs awarded is Dr. Marlene Moretti.

“Mental disorders comprise the single largest burden of disease affecting 20 per cent of youth ages 15 to 25. Yet, compared to all other age groups, young people and their families have the least access to evidence-based treatment. The immense burden of untreated mental health problems and associated financial costs can be significantly reduced through the development of accessible and effective treatments. Dr. Marlene Moretti, a world-renowned expert in adolescent mental health and implementation science, will lead an international team of multidisciplinary researchers in the implementation and evaluation of evidence based, sustainable and low cost interventions.”


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