Conference Papers
**Lab members not affiliated with this conference**
**Lab members not affiliated with this conference**
**Lab members not affiliated with this conference**
Moretti, M.M., & O’Donnell, K. (August 2015). An attachment intervention for youth in foster care. Poster to be presented at the International Attachment Conference, New York City, NY, USA.
Wallach, L.N., Larstone, R.M., Craig, S.G. & Moretti, M. M. (August 2015). The relationship between attachment anxiety, shame, and suicide ideation in at-Risk youth. Poster to be presented at the International Attachment Conference, New York City, NY, USA.
Moretti, M.M., Braber, K., McComb, A., Broesch, T., Iarocci, G., Jackson, M., O’Neil, J., Pritchard, M., Larstone, R., & Muir, N. (March, 2015). Strengthening parent-teen relationships: Pathways to improving mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal youth and caregivers. Poster presented at the CIHR Annual Gathering: Building Relationships for Moving Forward Together. Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Pritchard, M., Moretti, M. M., & McComb, A. (March 2015). Rethinking Attachment Theory in Coast Salish Territory. Poster presented at the 6th International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health, Ottawa, Canada.
Craig, S.G., Pritchard, M., Moore, K., Booth, C., Keithley, J., & Moretti, M.M. (March 2015). An investigation into seclusion and restraint policy in youth forensic and mental health facilities. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL, USA.
Dangaltcheva, A. & Moretti, M.M. (August 2014). Attachment bonds with parents and peers and adolescent psychological adjustment. Paper presentation at the Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Izmir, Turkey.
Dangaltcheva, A. & Moretti, M.M. (March 2014). Attachment during adolescence: Associations between turning to peers and negative life outcomes. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Austin, TX, USA.
Moretti, M. M. (August 2013). Translating attachment theory into practice: An attachment based program for parents of teens with behaviour problems. Paper presentation in a symposium at the 6th International Attachment Conference, Pavia, Italy.
Moretti, M.M. (June, 2013) Translating Research into Health Promotion and Risk Reduction, World Congress on Suicide, Montreal, Canada.
Craig, S., & Moretti, M. (April, 2013). Maternal versus paternal physical and emotional abuse, affect regulation and the risk for depression through adolescence. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA. Click here
Dangaltcheva, A., Watson, G., Moretti, M. (April, 2013). Substance dependence in the context of peer relationships among high risk adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Larstone, R., Moretti, M. (April, 2013). The relationship between empathy, affect regulation processes and aggression: A longitudinal study of adolescents at-risk. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Watson, G., Dangaltcheva, A., Moretti, M. (April, 2013). Pathways to recovery for adolescents with severe substance dependence. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Dangaltcheva, A., Craig, S.G., & Moretti, M. (2012). Adolescents at risk: The Role of Attachment to Delinquent Peers on Externalizing Behaviour in Females. Poster presentation presented at CIHR-IGH Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research, Montreal, Canada.
Keithly, J., Craig, S.G., & Moretti, M. (2012). Adolescents at Risk: An Investigation into Seclusion and Restraint Policy in Youth Forensic and Mental Health Settings (Does Gender Influence Policy?). Poster presentation presented at CIHR-IGH Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research, Montreal, Canada. Click here
Craig, S.G. & Moretti, M. (2012). The impact of depression on conduct disordered adolescent girls versus boys: Gender matters. Oral paper presentation presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Spetses, Greece.
Dangaltcheva, A., Craig, S.G., Larstone, R. & Moretti, M. (2012). The Role of Attachment to Delinquent Peers on Externalizing Behaviour in High-risk Adolescent Females. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Spetses, Greece.
Moretti, M. M. & Obsuth, I. (2012). Attachment based intervention for parents of teens at-risk: Processes underlying therapeutic change. Paper accepted to be presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC.
Catherine, N., Obsuth, I., & Moretti, M. M. (2012). Perpetration of physical and psychological aggression in romantic relationships of adolescent girls and boys at high-risk for aggression. Poster accepted to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC.
Moretti, M. M., Lyons-Ruth, K., Kobak, R., Allen, J., & Kerig, P. (2011). Translating attachment research into interventions for adolescents and their families: Key questions in theory and practice. Roundtable Discussion Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, QC.
Watson, G., Obsuth, I., & Moretti, M. M. (2011). The stability and change of mental health diagnoses of high-risk youth as young adults. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, QC.
Bartolo, T., & Moretti, M. M. (2011). Rejection sensitivity and aggression in adolescence: Examining the role of anger rumination. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, QC. Click here
Keithley, J., Zhou, S., Obsuth, I., Moretti, M. M. (2011). Assessing the relationship between affect regulation and substance usage in a high-risk adolescent sample. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, QC.
Moretti, M. M., Obsuth, I., Mayseless, O., & Scharf, M. (2010). Assessing change in parental representations of parent-adolescent relationships following an attachment-based parent group program. Paper presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA.
Bartolo, T., & Moretti, M. M. (2010). Rejection Sensitivity and Psychopathy: Sex Specific Pathways to Adolescent Aggression. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA.
Obsuth, I., & Moretti, M. M. (2010). The role of attachment and affect regulation in aggressive behavior: Concurrent and prospective effects. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA.
Coupland, R., & Moretti, M. M. (2010). Gender differences in the relationships between maternal and paternal physical abuse in the development of psychopathy. Paper presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, BC.
Bartolo, T., & Moretti, M. M. (2010). Examining the relationship between childhood maltreatment and adolescent aggression: The role of rejection sensitivity. Paper presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, BC.
Obsuth, I., Watson, G., & Moretti, M. M. (2010). Profiles of substance dependence in high-risk adolescents: Implications for intervention. Paper presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, BC.
Watson, G., Obsuth, I., & Moretti, M. M. (2010). Mental health profiles in high-risk youth: Comorbidity and sex differences. Paper presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, BC.
Moretti, M.M., & Obsuth, I. (2009). Reducing aggression through parent-teen relationships: effectiveness and change processes of a brief attachment focused program. Paper presented in a Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Obsuth, I., Moretti, M.M., & Steiger, A. (2009). The role of rejection sensitivity in the relations between attachment and aggression in high risk boys and girls. Paper presented in a Poster Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Steiger, A., Moretti, M.M., & Obsuth, I. (2009). An examination of complex interactions between parenting and attachment in the prediction of adolescent externalizing behavior. Paper presented in a Poster Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Zhou, S., Moretti, M.M., & Peled, M. (2009). The role of sadness rumination in the relation between depression and suicidality. Poster presented in a Poster Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Coupland, R. L. & Moretti, M. M. (2009). Gender differences in the relationships between maternal and paternal physical abuse in the development of psychopathy. Poster presentated at the Banff International Conferences on Behavioural Science, Banff, AB.
Bartolo, T., Coupland, R. L. & Moretti, M. M. (2009). Examining the relationship between rejection sensitivity and psychopathy in at-risk male and female adolescents. Poster presentated at the Banff International Conferences on Behavioural Science, Banff,
Penney, S., & Moretti, M. M. (2008). The roles of affect regulation and deficient affect in youth violence: A Comparison of different age groups. Paper session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Lee, Z., Klaver, J., Hart, S., Moretti, M. M., & Douglas, K. (2008). Stability and change of psychopathic traits in adolescent offenders. Paper session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Lee, Z., Klaver, J., & Moretti, M. M. (2008). Psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders: A prospective study of criminal recidivism. Paper session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Klaver, J., Lee, Z., Hart, S., Moretti, M. M., & Douglas, K. (2008). Psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders: A retrospective investigation of the onset of the syndrome, Paper session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Klaver, J., & Moretti, M. M. (2008). Age of onset of psychopathic traits in adolescent offenders. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Moretti, M. M., Obsuth, I., & Peled, M. (2007). Affect regulation and aggression: A developmental perspective and implications for intervention. Symposium presented at the International Congress of the Academy of Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy.
Peled, M. & Moretti, M. M. (2007). Rumination and aggression in a normative adolescent sample. In M.M. Moretti (Chair), Contributing Factors and Outcomes Associated with Poor Affect Regulation. Symposium presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Obsuth, I. & Moretti, M. M. (2007). Attachment, affect regulation and adjustment in high-risk adolescents. In M.M. Moretti (Chair), Contributing Factors and Outcomes Associated with Poor Affect Regulation. Symposium presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Obsuth, I., Catchpole, R., & Moretti, M. M. (2007). Dimensions of attachment and empathy among aggressive adolescents: The moderating role of gender. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, Massachusetts.
Peled, M., Obsuth, I., & Moretti, M. M. (2007). Rumination, attachment and aggression in a clinical adolescent sample. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.
Penney, S.R., Lee, Z., Moretti, M.M., & Bartel, P. (2007). The Predictive Validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY). Poster presented at the 4th Annual Forensic Psychiatry Conference, Victoria, BC.
Moretti, M. M., Obsuth, I., Holland, R., Braber, K., & Cross, S. (2006). An attachment-focused intervention for strengthening parent-adolescent relationships. Paper presented at the International Conference on Personal Relationships Rethymno, Crete, Greece.
Moretti, M. M., Obsuth, I., & Odgers, C. (2006). Disentangling the effects of physical abuse and exposure to parental violence on aggression of adolescent girls and boys across contexts. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.
Penney, S. R., DaSilva, K. S., & Moretti, M. M. (2006). The roles of egotism and psychopathy in the prediction of aggression: A comparison of self report scales. Poster session presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence biennial meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Penney, S. R., & Moretti, M. M. (2006). Too much, too little: The roles of emotion regulation and deficient affect in youth violence. Paper session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) annual conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Penney, S. R., & Moretti, M. M. (2006). The predictive validity of psychopathic features in high-risk girls. Poster session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) annual conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Klaver, J., Hart, S., Moretti, M. M., & Douglas, K. (2006). Age of onset of psychopathic traits in adolescent offenders. Poster session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) annual conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Lee, Z., Hart, S. D., Moretti, M. M., & Douglas, K. S. (2006). The six-month stability of psychopathic traits in adolescent offenders. In Z. Lee (Chair), Developmental issues in juvenile psychopathy. Symposium presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Lee, Z., Penney, S. R., Moretti, M. M., & Hart, S. D. (2006). Gender differences between psychopathy and associated DSM disorders. Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Forensic Psychiatry Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Vincent, G. M., Odgers C. L., Salekin, R. & Moretti, M. M. (2006). Psychopathy in adolescent female offenders: Contributions of item response theory. American Psychology-Law Conference. St. Petersburg, FL.
Obsuth, I., Moretti, M. M., & Odgers, C. (2005). Insecure attachment and aggression in high-risk adolescent girls and boys. Paper presented at the XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
Catchpole, R. & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Attachment to caregivers and psychopathic characteristics among aggressive and delinquent adolescents. Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. Vancouver Canada.
Lee, Z., Penney, S. R., Moretti, M. M., & Bartel, P. A. (2005). Examining subtypes of aggression: A comparison of the PCL:YV and SAVRY. Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. Vancouver Canada.
Klaver, J. & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Psychopathic traits and onset of violent and non-violent offending in high-risk adolescents. Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. Vancouver Canada.
DaSilva, K., Penney, S. R., & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Egotism and psychopathy: A comparison of self- report scales. Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. Vancouver Canada.
Klaver, J., Lee, Z., Moretti, M. M., & Hart, S. D. (2005). Psychopathic traits and onset of violent and non-violent behavior in high-risk adolescents. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the American – Psychology Society, La Jolla, California.
Penney, S. R., Catchpole, R., Moretti, M. M., & Bartel, P. A. (2005). The structured assessment of violence risk in youth: A step toward construct validation in a sample of high-risk youth. American Psychology and Law Society, La Jolla, CA
Lee, Z., Penney, S. R., Moretti, M. M., & Bartel, P. A. (2005). Examining subtypes of aggression: A comparison of the PCL:YV and SAVRY. American Psychology and Law Society, La Jolla, CA
Moretti, M. M., Obsuth, I., & Odgers, C. A. (2005). PTSD as moderators of the relationship between family violence and aggression. American Psychology and Law Society, La Jolla, CA.
Da Silva, K., Penney, S., & Moretti, M. M. (2005). The roles of egotism and psychopathy in the prediction of aggression: A comparison of self- report scales. Paper presented at the American Psychology and Law Society Annual Meeting, La Jolla, CA.
Catchpole, R. E. H. & Moretti, M. M. (2005). The relationship between attachment to caregivers, empathy, and psychopathic traits among aggressive adolescents. Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Penney, S. R., Lee, Z., & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Juvenile psychopathy and the nature of aggression: A look at gender differences. Society of Research in Child Development. Atlanta, Georgia.
Peled, M. & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Ruminations on rumination: Anger and sadness rumination in a clinical adolescent sample. Society of Research in Child Development. Atlanta, Georgia.
Lee, Z., Penney, S. R., Moretti, M. M., & Hart, S. (2005). Gender differences between psychopathy and associated DSM disorders. Society of Research in Child Development. Atlanta, Georgia.
DaSilva, K., Foran, K., & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Gender Differences in Rejection Sensitivity, Narcissism and Aggression in Romantic Relationships. Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
Steiger, A. & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Convergent and discriminant validity of the Comprehensive Adolescent-Parent Attachment Inventory. Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
Klaver, J., DaSilva, K.D., Lee, Z., Penney, S., & Moretti, M.M. (2005). Self-esteem, narcissism, and psychopathic traits in high-risk adolescents. Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada.
Odgers, C. L., Reppucci, N.D., & Moretti, M. M. (2005). Comparative models of risk for aggression: Testing the effects of personality traits and victimization experiences. American Psychology-Law Conference. La Jolla, CA
Odgers, C. L., Moretti, M. M., Reppucci, N.D., Burnette, M. L. & Chauhan, P. (2005). Girls in the justice system: Common profiles of victimization, marginalization and mental health problems across Canada and the US. Society for Research on Child Development. Atlanta, GA.
Haley, J. & Moretti, M. M. (2004). Introducing Girlz Group: A collaborative research and action project addressing social justice issues with adolescent girls in Vancouver’s Inner City. Poster presented at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Violence, Gender and Health Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Penney, S.R. & Moretti, M.M. (2004). Measuring reciprocity of aggression within relationships: Validity of the CTS. Violence, Gender and Health: Canadian Institute of Health Research, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Moretti, M. M., Obsuth, I., Odgers, C., & Reebye, P. (2004). PTSD symptoms as moderators of the relationship between family violence and aggression: Which symptoms matter most? Violence, Gender and Health: Canadian Institute of Health Research, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Peled, M. & Moretti, M. M. (2004). Rumination on anger and sadness: Specificity of outcomes, gender differences and implications for health adjustment. Annual awards meeting of the Institute of Gender and Health, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Luedmann, M. B. & Moretti, M. M. (2004). Fearful versus dismissing attachment patterns: Construct validity in a clinical adolescent sample. Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto.
Moretti, M. M. & Odgers, C. (2004). What research on risk and resilience tells us about intervention programming for girls with aggressive and violent behavior problems. American Psychology and Law Bi-Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, March.
Penney, S. R. & Moretti, M. M. (2004). Capturing the construct: The importance of gender in assessing youth psychopathy. American Psychology and Law Bi-Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Odgers, C. & Moretti, M. M. (2004). Offending girls: Linking violence, victimization and psychopathy among female juvenile offenders. American Psychology and Law Bi-Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Odgers, C., Moretti, M. M., & Vincent, G. M. (2004). Psychopathy and alternative forms of aggression among adolescent girls. Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, Maryland.
Odgers, C. L., Moretti, M. M., Reppucci, N.D., Burnette, M. L. & Chauhan, P. (2004). Assessing risk for violence among female juvenile offenders: Does victimization matter? Canadian Institutes of Health Research Violence, Gender and Health Workshop. Toronto, ON.
Moretti, M. M. & Odgers, C. (2003). Attachment and aggression: A relational perspective on girls aggressive behavior. Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, Maryland, March.
Moretti, M. M. & Odgers, C. L. (2003). Risk factors for aggression and violence: Gender issues. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Washington, DC.
Moretti, M. M. & Odgers, C. L. (2003). Attachment and aggression: A relational perspective on girls aggressive behaviour. Society for Research on Adolescence. Baltimore, MD.
Odgers, C. L., Moretti, M. M., Reppucci, N.D., & Burnette, M. (2003). Violence, victimization and psychopathy among female juvenile offenders. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Washington, DC.
Odgers, C., Moretti, M. M., Vincent, G. M. (2003). Psychopathy and alternative forms of aggression among adolescent girls. Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, Maryland
Moretti, M. M. (2003). Gender and Aggression NET: Update and Future Directions.
Moretti, M. M. (2003). Gender, attachment and aggression. Psychology and the Law: International and Interdisciplinary Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Wiebe, V., Moretti, M. M., Steiger, A., & DaSilva, K. (2003). An attachment perspective on girls and aggression. Canadian Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario.
Moretti, M. M. (2003). CIHR NET on gender and aggression: An overview. Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) Research Retreat, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Moretti, M. M., Hymel, S., Artz, S., Dhami, M. K., Lanctot, N., & Odgers, C. (2003). Aggression & violence in girls: Research synthesis and dialogue on future directions. Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa.
Moretti, M. M, & Odgers, C. L. (2003). Aggression and violence among girls: Rates, risk and intervention strategies. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
Odgers, C. L., Moretti, M. M, & Reppucci, N. D . (2003). Conducting forensic mental health assessments with female youth. American Society of Criminology Conference. Denver, CO.
Odgers, C. L., Moretti, M.M, Pepler, D.J. (2003). The functioning of delinquency scales within high-risk samples of female youth. APLS/EPLS Psychology and Law International, Interdisciplinary Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Odgers, C. L., Moretti, M.M, Pepler, D.J. (2003). Antisocial and aggressive behavior in girls: Are we measuring the same construct? International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Miami, FL.
Allison, C. J., Bartholomew, K., & Moretti, M. M. (2003). The associations between attachment pattern, worry, and coping behaviors: A preliminary report. Anxiety Disorders Association Conference, Toronto.
Moretti, M. M. & DaSilva, K. (2002). Aggressive and violent behavior in girls: Rates, risk factors and relevance for adjustment. Vancouver Conference on Aggressive and Violent Girls, Vancouver.
McKay, S., DaSilva, K., & Moretti, M. M. (2002). Risk factors and relational aggression in high-risk youth. Vancouver Conference on Aggressive and Violent Girls, Vancouver.
Obsuth, I., Luedemann, M., Peled, M., & Moretti, M. M. (2002). Attachment and aggression in a clinical adolescent sample. Vancouver Conference on Aggressive and Violent Girls, Vancouver.
Moretti, M. M. & DaSilva, K. (2002). Maltreatment, identity and aggression in high risk girls. American Psychology and Law Society, Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
Moretti, M. M. (2002). Understanding individual differences within social contexts: Internalization of self-regulatory guides and eating disordered behavior. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia.
Moretti, M. M., DaSilva, K., & Peled, M. Abuse, internal self-representation, attachment and adjustment in aggressive girls. Honolulu, HI. American Adacemy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Honolulu, HI.
Moretti, M. M. Aggressive girls: Understanding the self in context. American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Moretti, M. M., Carr, G., & Campbell, J. Assessing families of children in care: A strategy for program evaluation and emerging findings. Invited speaker. Youth Forensic Psychiatric Services Provincial Conference, Victoria.
Moretti, M. M., Wiebe, V., Brown, C., & Kovacs, S. Maltreatment and attachment in aggressive adolescents. In ‘Gender, aggression and attachment: Research and clinical perspectives’. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. New York, NY.
Moretti, M. M. Multi-problem violent youth: A foundation for comparative research on needs, interventions and outcomes. Participant and discussion leader, NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW), Krakow, Poland.
Moretti, M. M. & McKay, S. Self-discrepancy in adolescents: Parental autonomy support and self-esteem in girls. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Wiebe, V. & Moretti, M. M. Parenting style and self-representation in high risk adolescents: The moderating role of attachment patterns. Jean Piaget Society, 13th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
Moretti, M. M. Aggressive and violent girls: Risk factors and developmental paths, Youth Violence: Approaches to Evaluating Needs and Risk Management, Vancouver.
Moretti, M. M. Children at risk: Pathways between exposure to family violence and the development of aggression in boys and girls. International Conference on Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. Vancouver.
Shercliffe, R. J., Warren, M., & Moretti, M. M. Aggression and object relations in a psychiatric sample of adolescents. Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Moretti, M. M. Aggression in girls: Diagnostic issues and interpersonal factors. Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., & Moore, K. Attachment and conduct disorder: Interface and application. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Lessard, J. C., Shercliffe, R. J., & Moretti, M. M. Attachment representations, adversity and PTSD in clinic-referred adolescents. American Psychological Association.
Rein, A., Tonkin, R. S., & Moretti, M. M. Sexual orientation and adolescent suicidal behaviour: Results from a large random sample. American Psychological Association.
Moretti, M. M. Relational self-regulation: A model of depression in women. American Psychological Association.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Moore, K., Offord, D., & Kutcher, S. Community-based interventions for conduct-disordered youth: Recent advances and challenges. Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry.
Moretti, M. M. Internal representations of others in self-regulation: A new look at a classic issue. Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Toronto.
Wiebe, V. & Moretti, M. M. Self-state representation and psychological adjustment in adolescents. American Psychological Association.
Lessard, J. & Moretti, M. M. A current perspective on youth suicidality: Contributions of attachment representations. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Philadelphia.
Moretti, M. M., Emmrys, C., & Grizenko, N. The treatment of conduct disorder: Perspectives from across Canada. Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Quebec City.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Scharfe, E. Attachment theory: Self-other representations and conduct disorder. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Moretti, M. M. & Wiebe, V. Parental socialization and self-representation: Direct and mediated psychological consequences. American Psychological Association.
Wiebe, V., Moretti, M. M., & Lessard, J. Gender differences underlying dimensions of psychopathology in adolescents. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Moretti, M. M., Lessard, J., & Weibe, V. Gender differences in comorbidity with conduct disorder among high-risk adolescents. American Psychological Association, New York.
Holland, R., Lessard, J. C., Moore, K., Moretti, M. M., & Scharfe, E. Attachment and adolescent psychopathology. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Reebye, P., Moretti, M. M., & Lessard, J. C. Conduct disorder and substance use disorder: Comorbidity in a clinical sample of preadolescents and adolescents. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Scharfe, E., Lessard, J. C., Moore, K., & Quan, J. Attachment and adolescent psychopathology. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, Victoria, B.C.
Moretti, M. M., Reebye, P., Morin, L., & Steinhauer, P. The changing role of professionals in custody-access evaluation. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, Victoria, B.C.
Lessard, J. C. & Moretti, M. M. Sex differences in patterns of comorbidity. American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, New York.
Vlassev, I., & Moretti, M. M., Roney, C., & Fairbrother, N. Stability and change in the self-concept in self-discrepancy theory. American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, New York.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Moore, K., & Quan, J. Attachment theory: An ecological model for understanding and working with adolescents and their social networks. Society for Psychotherapy Research, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Lessard, J., Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., & Peterson, S. Patterns of conduct disorder and substance use in adolescent males versus females. Canadian Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Penticton.
Lessard, J., Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., & Peterson, S. Conduct disorder and separation anxiety disorder: Implications for attachment. Western Psychological Associaton, Annual Meeting, Kona, HI.
Moretti, M. M., Higgins, E. T., Carswell, J., & Rein, A. Internalization of self-regulatory guides: Emotional and interpersonal consequences. Western Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Kona, HI.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Quan, J., & Moore, K. Attachment and conduct disorder: Theory and models of care. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, New York.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Quan, J., & Moore, K. Attachment and conduct disorder. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, Ottawa.
Nesbitt, C. J. & Moretti, M. M. Self-representation and attachment: The importance of self-discrepancy. Western Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Kona, HI.
Rein, A. & Moretti, M. M. Toward an understanding of self-representation in depressed women. Western Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Kona, HI.
Reebye, P., Lessard, J., Moretti, M. M., & Kutcher, S. Conduct disorder and substance use: Research and clinical implications. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, Ottawa.
Moretti, M. M., Holland, R., Moore, K., & Quan, J. Attachment: An organizing principle for understanding adolescent mental health issues. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Banff.
Holland, R. & Moretti, M. M. The importance of attachment in the provision of mental health services for adolescents. Children at Risk. Burnaby, B. C.
Holland, R. & Moretti, M. M. Attachment and conduct disorder: Evaluation of the Response Programme. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Child Psychiatry, Western Division, Vancouver.
Holland, R. & Moretti, M. M. Attachment and adolescence: A theoretical perspective and ecologically based program for disaffiliated youths and their communities. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Montreal.
Holland, R., Offord, D., Shamsie, J., & Moretti, M. M. Conduct disorder: New perspectives on the provision of care. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Saskatoon.
Moretti, M. M. Automatic information processing in depression: Theoretical issues. World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Oxford.
Moretti, M. M. Self and affect in information processing. Fifth International Conference on the Self, Nags Head, North Carolina.
Moretti, M. M., Woody, E., & Butt, J. The role of self-reference in mood-congruent information processing. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta.
Moretti, M. M. Automatic processing of positive and negative social information: A paradigm for assessing deep structure in depression. Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Segal, Z. V., Shaw, B. F., & Moretti, M. M. The effects of two methods stimulus generation on the endorsement of positive and negative self-referent information in depression. Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago.
Higgins, E. T. & Moretti, M. M. Standard utilization and the social evaluative process: Vulnerability to types of aberrant beliefs. Indiana University Conference for Research on Clinical Problems. Delusional Beliefs: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, Nashville, Indiana.
Moretti, M. M., Fine, S., Haley, G., & Marriage, K. Self-report measures of depression in children and adolescents: Sensitivity and specificity as diagnostic screening devices. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Quebec City.
Fine, S., Marriage, K., Haley, G., & Moretti, M. M. Childhood depression – Interview and rating scales. Seventh World Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna.
Fine, S., Marriage, K., Moretti, M. M., & Haley, G. Depression in children and adolescents: Use of questionnaires and diagnostic difficulties. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Vancouver.
Fine, S., Marriage, K., Moretti, M. M., & Haley, G. Childhood depression: A pilot study. British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital, Vancouver.
Fine, S. & Moretti, M. M. Childhood depression: Workshop on interview and rating scales. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry, Ottawa.
Moretti, M. M., Fine, S., Marriage, K., & Haley, G. Childhood and adolescent depression: Self-report versus parent-report information. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Winnipeg.
Moretti, M. M. & Bakan, P. Conjugate lateral eye movements and performance on the WAIS-R. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.